Whitegate, White Lund Ind.Est., Morecambe, Lancs. LA3 3BS
01524 382262

Different Types of Drive

When buying a car, most of us don’t really consider what type of drive system that the car has, but there are three on offer and each behaves very differently. These three types of drive each have several benefits and drawbacks meaning that each remains popular.

As one of the leading providers of prop shaft repairs and drive shaft repairs we have worked with all these types of drives and are familiar with all the benefits that they provide. In this blog we thought we would take a closer look at these three drive types and exactly what they offer you as a motorist;

Front wheel drive


This form of drive is by far the most common on the road and is seen as one of the most efficient and beneficial drive types.


  • The first benefit of front wheel drive is space within the car. As the engine, gearbox and everything relevant to the drive of the car is contained under the bonnet. This means that there are no drive shafts that interrupt on the passenger space, meaning the car can be smaller overall whilst being no less practical.
  • Another important factor in manufacturers using front wheel drive is efficiency; with no long heavy drive shafts, front wheel drive cars can be lighter and therefore have better fuel efficiency. The fact that the weight of the engine is constantly pressing down onto the driven wheels means that they are less likely to slip in wet weather.


  • Under heavy acceleration the mass of the car is pushed onto the rear wheels meaning that the front wheels have less traction and can spin.
  • Due to the amount of items that have to go under the bonnet there is less room for access, making maintenance harder.

Rear wheel drive

Although front wheel drive is the most common, rear wheel drive is still popular, especially among cars with sporting credentials.


  • Improved acceleration is one of the biggest advantages of this form of drive, and this advantage has to do with the physics of an object in motion. When a car accelerates the mass of the car transfers to the back of the car, in a rear wheel drive car this means that the weight is pressing down on the driven wheels giving better traction.
  • Better weight distribution is a common trait in rear wheel drive cars; as the components can be spread throughout the length of the car there is a better distribution of weight. This creates a better balance in the car and makes it more enjoyable and fluid to drive.


  • One of the primary drawbacks of rear wheel drive is the fact that the prop shaft has to go from the engine at the front to the driven wheels at the back. This inevitably leads to a lessening of the space inside the car, meaning they are generally less practical.

Four wheel drive

Four wheel drive is an increasingly popular drive system and is prevalent in off-road vehicles.


  • Increased traction is the primary benefit that is gained when you turn to four wheel drive. With all of the wheels constantly looking for grip you are far more likely to be able to cross slippery or demanding surfaces. In extreme weather such as snow or heavy rain having four wheel drive is extremely beneficial, and means you are far less likely to become stuck.
  • Due to the naturally tall vehicle stance four wheel drive cars tend to be very practical, with lots of room for passengers and other items in the car.


  • Weight is the primary drawback of four wheel drive vehicles; due to the extra drive shafts and differentials needed they tend to weigh significantly more.
  • This increase in weight inevitably leads to a lessening in fuel economy and an increase in emissions, meaning they are more expensive to run in the long run.

Whichever type of drive you choose for your next car we hope this blog has helped you to make sure that it is the right one for you. If you have any further questions on prop shaft repairs or any of our services then don’t hesitate to contact us on 01524 382262 and our friendly staff will be happy to help.

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